Task force Yodel is a casual unit focused on Small Unit tactics, combined arms operations, and fun fast paced game play. We use a variety of tactics, plans and communication methods to complete our mission objectives; whatever they may be.
We offer peer and mission based training to provide a good groundwork for all to have fun. We also do not have set roles so you can train in any area that you might have wanted to in the past but couldn't due to restrictions.
Sundays 1700 EST
Wednesdays 1700 EST
Custom Missions
In-house curated missions with a variety of objectives and play styles using our own custom framework workshop mod. Played on our operations dedicated server.
Qualifications & Training
Training sessions on demand, including qualification practice runs and training. We have a training dedicated server up and running almost 24/7.We are building a qualification system that allows members to complete training and a qualification range to earn qual patches that can be worn on the uniform in game, or on discord.
Structured Missions
Custom loadouts, pre-set settings and training help keep down time to a minimum so you can have more time in the fight.
Enhanced Quality of Life
We make use of several mods form the Steam Workshop to drastically increase player quality of life such as CBA and ACE, Advanced Slingload, Better Inventory, etc. (See Mods)
We like realistic tactics and simulation, however we feel that it detracts more from the player experience than benefiting it. With that, we do not use ranks or strict discipline; no one will expect you to call them sir here. We believe in letting the players build the experience they want to have with Arma by letting them choose the roles they feel capable of filling.. We do use tactics, ACE Medical, and restrict play in operations to first person as well as other settings to enhance the tactical experience. We are a joint operations unit, primarily infantry, armor and air.
We are looking for mature people who enjoy cooperative play and tactics as much as we do. Someone with a willingness to improve and show up to at least one op every other week (We understand life gets in the way sometimes).
Communication and the capacity for teamwork are crucial, each new member will get a beif intro to us and how we work along with a training mission.
We are always looking for friendly people to join us. If you want to become a part of our comunity then you can join our discord below.